Ctd - Benson High School

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Cochise Technology District. Get school information, student-teacher ratio, demographics & more on Ctd - Benson High School.
Student : Teach Ratio - Ctd - Benson High School

Ctd - Benson High School Information

School location:
BENSON, AZ 85602
(520) 586-2213

School district:

School Rating

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This high school has a total enrollment of 1 students with approximately -1 full-time teachers. It has a student to teacher ratio of about -1 students per teacher. The average student-teacher ratio for Cochise County is 21 to 1.
Ctd - Benson High School Demographics

Enrollment by Grade Level

»   10th Grade Students1
Total students 1
Total Full-time teachers -1
Student / Teacher Ratio -1:1

Students eligible for free lunch 0 (0%)
Students eligible for reduced lunch 0 (0%)
Vocational school 
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Ctd - Benson High School Reviews - Coming Soon
3 A school offering vocational/technical education or other education services, in which some or all students are enrolled at a separate “home” school and attend the shared-time school on a part-day basis.
Data for School Year 2009-2010 - The information found on publicschoolsk12.com was provided in part by the U.S. Department of Education, U.S. Census Bureau, the Bureau of Labor and Statistics & various other external sources. We do not verify the contents of the information provided and therefore, cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information displayed on this website.