Public Schools

High Schools

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High School is the last phase of secondary education for children around the age of 15 to 18 years. Some high schools are comprised of classes for grades 9 thru 12 and others for grades 10 thru 12. In high school, students obtain much more control of their education, and may choose even their core classes. Core classes are considered, Language Arts (English), Social Studies (History), Mathematics and Science. The control given to students varies from state to state and school to school.
Select high schools by state
Alabama - (373)
Alaska - (70)
Arizona - (626)
Arkansas - (314)
California - (2213)
Colorado - (353)
Connecticut - (233)
Delaware - (36)
Florida - (625)
Georgia - (392)
Hawaii - (40)
Idaho - (192)
Illinois - (841)
Indiana - (374)
Iowa - (371)
Kansas - (346)
Kentucky - (400)
Louisiana - (259)
Maine - (138)
Maryland - (246)
Michigan - (924)
Minnesota - (801)
Mississippi - (298)
Missouri - (571)
Montana - (171)
Nebraska - (319)
Nevada - (115)
New Jersey - (462)
New Mexico - (190)
New York - (947)
North Dakota - (175)
Ohio - (864)
Oklahoma - (467)
Oregon - (282)
Pennsylvania - (698)
Puerto Rico - (194)
South Dakota - (182)
Tennessee - (333)
Texas - (1570)
Utah - (235)
Vermont - (45)
Virginia - (367)
Wisconsin - (530)
Wyoming - (80)
Data for School Year 2009-2010 - The information found on was provided in part by the U.S. Department of Education, U.S. Census Bureau, the Bureau of Labor and Statistics & various other external sources. We do not verify the contents of the information provided and therefore, cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information displayed on this website.