Schools belonging to TERRY K-12 SCHOOLS in Prairie County, MT.

TERRY K-12 SCHOOLS Information

BOX 187
TERRY, MT 59349
(406) 635-5533
Total number of students in district 127 Regular local school district.
Locally governed agency responsible for providing free public elementary or secondary education; includes independent school districts and those that are a dependent segment of a local government such as a city or county.
Number of High Schools 1
Number of Middle Schools 1
Number of Elementary Schools 1
Other schools 0

All Schools In This District

  1. Type: Midddle School
    Grade levels: 07 - 08
    Students: 19
    Student / Teacher ratio: 7:1

    TERRY 7-8

    215 EAST PARK
    TERRY, MT 59349
    (406) 635-5595
  2. Type: High School
    Grade levels: 09 - 12
    Students: 42
    Student / Teacher ratio: 7:1


    215 EAST PARK
    TERRY, MT 59349
    (406) 635-5533
  3. Type: Elementary School
    Grade levels: PK - 06
    Students: 79
    Student / Teacher ratio: 10:1


    215 EAST PARK
    TERRY, MT 59349
    (406) 635-5533
Data for School Year 2009-2010 - The information found on publicschoolsk12.com was provided in part by the U.S. Department of Education, U.S. Census Bureau, the Bureau of Labor and Statistics & various other external sources. We do not verify the contents of the information provided and therefore, cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information displayed on this website.