CENTERVILLE Middle Schools

- (View Appanoose County Schools)
View all middle schools in Appanoose County, IA. Find schools, get student / teacher ratios & counts, demographics and other facts.
Student : Teacher Ratio - Appanoose County

Appanoose County Public School Statistics / Demographics

Number of schools 15
• Elementary schools 9
• Middle schools 2
• High schools 4
• Other 0
Number of school districts 3
Full-time teachers 182
Average Student / Teacher ratio 11.24
Total Number of Students 2,046
American Indian/Alaska Native 5
Asian 16
Hispanic 33
Black 23
White 1,952
Hawaiian Native/Pacific Islander 0
2 or more races 17

Middle schools in Appanoose County, Iowa.

High Schools  |  Middle Schools  |  Elementary Schools
  1. 12.4

    Howar Junior High School

    - Details
    850 South Park St, Centerville, IA
    204 Students;   16.5 Full-time Teachers;   Grades offered: 07 - 08
  2. 10.9

    Lakeview Elementary 4-5-6 School

    - Details
    1800 South 11Th St, Centerville, IA
    324 Students;   29.7 Full-time Teachers;   Grades offered: 04 - 06
Data for School Year 2009-2010 - The information found on was provided in part by the U.S. Department of Education, U.S. Census Bureau, the Bureau of Labor and Statistics & various other external sources. We do not verify the contents of the information provided and therefore, cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information displayed on this website.