Hawaii School Districts

- High SchoolsMiddle SchoolsElementary Schools
Listing of all school districts in the state of Hawaii.
There are 1 districts in Hawaii with 290 schools and 179,478 students.
Regular local school district 1   State-Operated Agency n/a
Local school district that is a component of a supervisory union n/a   Federally-Operated Agency n/a
Supervisory Union n/a   Charter Agency n/a
Regional Education Service Agency n/a   Other Education Agency n/a

School Districts in Hawaii

    PO BOX 2360
    HONOLULU, HI 96804
    (808) 586-3310
Data for School Year 2009-2010 - The information found on publicschoolsk12.com was provided in part by the U.S. Department of Education, U.S. Census Bureau, the Bureau of Labor and Statistics & various other external sources. We do not verify the contents of the information provided and therefore, cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information displayed on this website.